Family Gathering

Activities carried out by employees and families to establish a relationship and maintain good relations, strengthen cooperation between fellow employees in the company, and eliminate the workload that has been done.

Excellent Service

Provide services to meet and satisfy customers so that the company gets the maximum profit.


We assist you in finding talented employees through our careful screening stage, starting from selecting candidates from the Institute of Education and Skills (LPK), continuing with tests and interviewing them to make sure the company and the candidates are compatible to work together.

Provide labor in logistics

We provide logistical support services to support company operations, especially in the Value Added Service (VAS), Helper and TKBM sections.

Security Service

We provide a variety of services to provide total security solutions designed to meet customer needs.

Company Profile

PT. Mahardhika Global Bisnis (MGB) a service company engaged in the field of Human Resources (HR). We accept new workers, select, educate and manage ready-to-use human resources to fill all the positions customers need.

PT. Mahardhika Global Bisnis (MGB) was founded on the basis of a commitment to improve the quality of human resources (job seekers) which are used in all fields, helping government programs in reducing unemployment.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Selamat bergabung sebagai Operator Produksi dan Admin Payroll & BPJS

Selamat bergabung kepada seluruh kandidat yang sudah terseleksi sebagai Operator Produksi dan Admin Payroll & BPJS. Tingkatkan kreativitas dalam berkarir.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

WE'RE HIRING - Operator Produksi

We're Hiring - Operator Produksi
Semoga informasi lowongan kerja dibawah ini sesuai dengan Kualifikasi anda, batas waktu sampai dengan 31 Maret 2020.

1. Pria/Wanita, usia 25-30 tahun
2. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
3. Pendidikan minimal SMA/Sederajat
4. Memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya minimal 1 tahun
5. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
6. Akif dan cekatan
7. Bersedia bekerja di area Kab.Brebes

Silahkan mengisi form pendaftaran pada link berikut (wajib) :


Saturday, March 21, 2020

WE'RE HIRING - Admin Payroll & BPJS

We're Hiring - Admin Payroll & BPJS
Semoga informasi lowongan kerja dibawah ini sesuai dengan Kualifikasi anda.

1. Pria, usia maksimal 40 tahun
2. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
3. Pendidikan minimal D3
4. Memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya minimal 1 tahun
5. Terbiasa mengoperasikan MS. Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint dan Outlook)
6. Terbiasa dengan system Payroll dan BPJS
7. Bersedia bekerja di area Kab.Brebes
8. Bertanggung jawab

Silahkan kirimkan lamaran ke dan dapat mengisi form pendaftaran pada link berikut :


